Sunday, July 11, 2010

MSJC Management: Ineptness or Corruption?

Over a period of the last two years, the Mt. San Jacinto Community College, located in Riverside County, California, has been embroiled in scandal after scandal, some of them salacious--maybe even interesting--and others downright criminal and corrupt in nature. Clearly, the yearbook of of the MSJC (and their so-called upper management) has been a not so shinning picture of incompetence and corruption!

The most notable of which is the arrest and conviction of disgraced ex-MSJC police chief, Kevin Segawa. Segawa, who was not qualified for the position he held, was only the tip of the iceberg, however, and should not be the sole focus of any ire by MSJC students and staff.

MSJC President / Superintendent Roger Schultz and Human Resources Manager Irma Ramos are the principal parties responsible for the Kevin Segawa debacle! The Board of Trustees, specifically Eugene Kadow, Gwen Schlange, Dorthy Mcargall, and Joan Sparkman, also share in their culpability. So how can these assertions be made?

On September 10, 2009, ormer police officer with the MSJC Police Department,